It was a lucky break for drivers in Łódź as the only portable speed camera used by city police – Straż Miejska broke down about a week ago. While it is being repaired, the 19 officers who used to operate the device were sent to partrol the streets and it is yet to be confirmed if the speed camera will return to the streets of Łódź at all.
During a routine service check last week it turned out that one of the parts in the only speed camera that is owned by Łódź city police is in need of replacing and broken part has to specifically ordered. Since then no speed checks were performed in Łódź. Leszek Wojtas from the City Police commanding office said that at the moment it remains unclear if the speed camera will be used on streets of Łódź. This is due to a recent decision of prime minister Ewa Kopacz, which was supported by Governemt, by which speed cameras are no longer to be used by city police and their sole administration is to be moved to Inspection of Road Transport (Inspekcja ruchu drogowego). This also means that the money from speeding tickets would not benefit Łódź budget but would be going directly to Polish treasury to boost central budget.
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